Pull Request 'Hacktoberfest 2017' Has Been Merged

This year’s Hacktoberfest edition has now come to an end. Everyone seemed to have a really good month, as the parting numbers reveal. Here they are, in case you don’t feel like clicking the link.

These figures may be somewhat inflated as people didn’t mind submitting one or two cheeky PR’s just to get their stats up but I think, overall, Hacktoberfest was a major success and I’m 100% certain most participating projects really appreciated the boost their repos enjoyed during this time.

As for me, I’m proud to say I exceeded the four PR target by two with contributions to the projects I talked about in my previous article.

Good fun, good work, and kudos to Digital Ocean for organising stuff like this (though you couldn’t say the publicity they got wasn’t a big bonus for them…). That’s a wrap for Hacktoberfest 2017, see you next year!

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